Sustainability is one of our primary core values. It has been our focus across all areas of environmental, social and economic importance. All our cultivation practices conform to the globally accepted standards of sustainability based on mapping of soil nutrition, cropping patterns and integrated pest and disease management. With over one million shade trees in our estates, we use unique shade management practices based on assessing light intensity for integrated disease and pest management. We use the best eco-friendly technologies that help enrich the soil, water and biodiversity of the regions in and around our estates which are home to a plethora of flora and fauna. Our rainwater harvesting practices are considered one of the best in the region with Pollibetta Estate’s Mattaparambu tank being the largest of them all. All 25 of our plantations are certified to some of the most widely recognized sustainability and social accountability certification schemes like Rainforest Alliance and SA 8000. 13 of our Arabica coffee growing estates are certified for Starbucks C.A.F.E. Practices, and 5 of our tea plantations are certified for Trustea Code.

Sustainability is the heart of our buisness 3 - Tata Coffee
Sustainability In harmony with nature 1 - Tata Coffee

In Harmony


Sustainability In harmony with nature 2- Tata Coffee

Our estates are home to over 3000 natives species of flora and nearly 496 native species of animals. Coffee is inter-cropped with other crops like pepper, oranges and areca nuts amidst lush canopies of shade trees to help preserve biodiversity. Our Wildlife Cell mitigates the human-elephant conflict in neighbouring areas, helping us maintain a healthy co-existence between wildlife and our communities.

We make


Our irrigation practices are based on advanced scientific knowledge of rainwater harvesting. Our harvesting tanks don't just store water, but are also home to a variety of migratory birds and animals. With a total of 274 tanks and a combined capacity of over 3.58 mn cubic meters, we store excess run-off water during the rainy season. The path around catchment area and reservoirs are filled with a vegetative cover to avoid soil erosion and silting. We have installed eco-friendly pulping units to reduce water consumption during coffee processing. Apart from this, we are actively involved in educating the local villages about the importance of water conservation and how to preserve and recharge groundwater.

Our people Are Our Greatest Assets - Tata Coffee

Our people

are our greatest

We believe that our people are the key to our success. Not only are they experts in their fields, they also have a deep understanding of our business, our company values and embody the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct in their day to day operations. Our practices are among the best in the industry when it comes to training and safety of our workers. We provide healthcare provisions, hygienic accommodation facilities along with crèche facilities for our workers’ children. We have internationally recognised safety practices for mitigating threats from wildlife in the estates, working at heights, working with chemicals and with machinery.

Empowering Communities - Tata Coffee


We conduct training sessions in communication, language development and basic computing & accounting to help the rural women enhance and learn new skills. With our Recognition of Prior Learning Programme, we help the women match their career experience with qualification along with self-development training programs to increase their chances of employment. In communities around our estates, we run and support the Girl Child Nutrition Programme and several other women's self-help groups have been formed for their overall development.

We are all part of

one big family

We support the Coorg Foundation in its mission to promote education and healthcare in the underprivileged of the Coorg region. The foundation operates the Swastha Center for Special Education and Rehabilitation, aimed at differently-abled children to help them reintegrate into the mainstream society. In Anamallais, we support the developmental activities of the differently-abled children through DARE (Developmental Activities for Rehabilitative Education). We also provide affordable healthcare and make it accessible through our Rural Indian Health Project Hospital. This initiative takes healthcare right into Coorg's remote hilly regions through mobile clinics.