Why Tata Coffee - Tata Coffee

In sync with the Tata Coffee’s core values of Customer focus, Responsibility, Innovation & Agility, People-centric and Transparency; we believe in the power of people. We’re always on the lookout for like-minded talented individuals who are ambitious and have a pulsating drive to accept challenges & achieve greatness.

Hear it from our people

Millin Chummaiah - Senior Manager - Tata Coffee

Millin Chummaiah

Senior Manager, Marketing & Sales

‘I came to Tata Coffee as a trainee in Marketing & Sales department in the year 2004. Straight out of college, back then, I had never imagined I would have such a long and enriching stint with the organisation. When I look back at all these years, I realise that I have not just gained knowledge and work experience, but have fostered beautiful human relationships with my colleagues and co-workers, all thanks to the warm and unmatched culture of the organisation. From starting as a young trainee to now managing the end-to-end value chain of coffee, I have been exposed to some of the finest aspects of the business. I also lead the company’s POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) Committee. At the end of the day, it gives me great pride to work in a culture driven by such strong values.’

KU Somaya - Monsooning Operations  - Tata Coffee

KU Somaya

Monsooning Operations

‘I started this incredible journey 20 years back when I joined as an assistant in the plantations division in Nullore. It’s been interesting to see the company evolve from the time it was called Consolidated Coffee Ltd to Tata Coffee Limited, as it is now known as. It provided an opportunity for me to see the organisation grow under different leadership teams, expand and evolve from just a plantation-based organisation to what it is now. I have taken up several roles during these years which has enriched me with a comprehensive experience of working with different teams, different agro-climatic zones, and different challenges in the estates. As a part of the Business Excellence team for several years, I was involved in collation of data, training, mapping processes and conducting assessments both internal and external for the Tata group. I have also been leading the Monsooning operations in Mangalore for the last 2 years, which is very exciting for me as this has given me the opportunity to begin something right from scratch; mainly setting up infrastructure, understanding the process and expanding this line of business. Today, I can proudly say that working in Tata Coffee has been the best decision I have made in my life. It has taught me that no matter what, learning never stops.’